How to quickly improve the efficiency of the dewatering screen


The production of dewatering screen depends entirely on its working efficiency. Therefore, only by increasing the working efficiency of dewatering screen can the production capacity be guaranteed.

In general, the work efficiency of dewatering screen is mainly relevant to working principle. Working principle of dewatering screen made by Luoyang LZZG is: when the material came intothe screen, the vibration motor through the role of vibration screen, makes the material do the vertical movement. Eventually the materials become a finished product sand under the effect of screen to dewater.

Therefore, to improve the efficiency of the dewatering screen quickly, it is necessary to improve the vibrating motor of the dewatering screen. By adjusting the exciting force of vibration motor, motor eccentric block can be adjusted, the vibration amplitude can be improved to improve the work efficiency of dewatering screen. But need to pay attention to, dewatering screen must use a complete set of motor power.

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