100 t/h sand grading and washing machine line is sending to the customer site


Christmas is approaching, many customers have to stop production due to weather reasons, but the LZZG production workshop is busy in full swing. In recent days, Our products including mud processing equipment sent to Hubei Jingmen and large iron tailings dry discharge equipment to Yunnan Gejiu all received good feedback from customers. What is more, the different types of dehydration and screening equipment have also been produced in place. Long in the electricity business, sales, production, technology, sales and other departments of unity and cooperation, showing a professional responsible for the Longzhong brand charm.

In addition, Longzhong has independently designed and successfully tested the sludge purification equipment. After receiving many customers’ inspection and on-site supervision, our equipment reclaims the fine sand through the recycling machine. Canned equipment to deal with wastewater discharge of water, and mud pressure into mud cake, the real sand washing industry, zero emissions of polluting waste, the device is currently applying for patented products, new and old customers stay tuned.

Today, the workers round the day of manufacturing circular vibrating screen + sand washing machine + recycling machine for sand making line has been loaded, is sending to the customer site, hoping to bring considerable economic benefits before Chinese New Year.

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